Step into the enchanting world of Christmas in the Stable Yard, located in the historic Finlayson factory area in Tampere. This idyllic shopping yard, adorned with permanent arts and crafts shops and a welcoming café, undergoes a magical transformation during the holiday season.
As you explore the historic surroundings, the air is filled with the festive spirit, amplified by the lively market that springs to life. The market stalls offer a curated selection of seasonal treasures, from handmade crafts to unique gifts, creating a vibrant tapestry of holiday delights.
A special highlight of Christmas in the Stable Yard is the addition of a small petting zoo. It adds an extra layer of enchantment to the holiday experience.Families and visitors of all ages can interact with friendly animals, fostering a heartwarming connection with the magic of the season.
Amidst the historic charm and festive decorations, the Stable Yard becomes a haven for those seeking a unique and authentic Christmas experience in Tampere. Discover the joy of holiday shopping in a setting that exudes warmth, tradition, and the timeless magic of Christmas.
2025 Dates
to be announced
Opening hours on market days:
Monday: 11am – 6pm
Tuesday: 11am – 6pm
Wednesday: 11am – 6pm
Thursday: 11am – 6pm
Friday: 11am – 6pm
Saturday: 11am – 6pm
Sunday: 11am – 6pm
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